Our ego: inadvertent life coach.

Setting your ego on fire is in direct conflict with the unspoken, yet blisteringly overt, training of western, monoculture, compartmentalized, quantified, stopwatch clicking society...... it's there to referee our trip through the profit labyrinth where we're nothing more than pacified cattle walking through their design for our lives. In this man-made world, we need our ego to keep us in line, and safe from harm when mama and papa are gone. We've accepted the 'choose your own adventure' paradigm, where the wealthy pre-select our seemingly endless (while completely controlled) information avalanche of "choices."

I've been staring into the abyss for quite some time, and it's been boring a hole through my whole like a black hole dancing with the sun. My anxiety is about completely letting go, because the world requires us to hold on to the needs of the ego in order to simply survive. Make money, stay young looking, stay healthy because you're fucked if you don't, stay hooked up and signed into the technology or you'll be left behind by this new economy...... keep paying your taxes, for a government who takes actions so grotesque around the world, that you want to smash something (namely specific faces in power)..... but jail, the iron fist, the big eye staring at you through your "smart" device instead of through your blinds....... ideas of normality... acceptance.... worth..... demand that our ego stay STRONG.

"We've got you surrounded! Come out with your hands up...... and do the daily grind, or else."

Or else..... or else a robot will gladly do it... a younger, better, smarter someone will do it for free.... or some 5 year old in Bangladesh bent over crippled in front of the loom sure will......

Trump is having a secret club meeting with Putin in the treehouse..... so everyone rise up! Red flags! Red Alert! Duck and cover! Red Scare! Code Red! We're in the red! Commies! We're tied up in RED TAPE! Red SKINS are blocking our nature raping drills! RED RUM! RED RAGE!

It's bigger than Trump's hair or his over-inflated, bloviating ego...... It's our collective ego begging us to let it go into the good night. The age of ego must fall. The age of the psychopath can only die when the meek get a spine. To everything (turn, turn, turn)... There is a season (turn, turn, turn)... And a time to every purpose, under heaven. There is a time for non-violence, and a time for demolition and terminating what must be terminated.

What we've allowed to become the way this world is the epitome of dysfunction. Global Warming is happening because Mother Earth has reached a fever pitch from our mindlessness and disrespect for her personal boundaries. She's had enough, and she's unleashing her fury. Only the strong (and strategic) will remain.

Rise. Let the flames rise until our egos burn off in the crucible like unwanted fat cells. Discipline, balance, naturalness, and acceptance.

The New Paradigm: Inspiration as currency.

The world's temperament is now bubbling into a rolling boil. Amidst its sometimes tumultuously changing temperatures we evolve like all living organisms must in order to survive a massive meteor shifting us collectively off course. The meteor was to the dinosaurs what global corporations run amok, with psychopathic greed, and hubris, is to modern mankind.

These monopolizing psychopaths who preside over us are playing their Trump card..... philanthro-capitalist vampires sucking the black marrow of earth dry... thriving off the pain, chaos, fear and suffering their economic and societal models of top-down control create.... they are literally and figuratively rapists, laying waste to our entire planet so they can orchestrate every infinitesimal detail of how the earthbound society operates- in their exclusive favor- while we blame ourselves and each other for the mess. These masters of resource distribution are our planetary hijackers, keeping us all psychological prisoners with their peddling of perpetual, brand-morphing fear, inside their webs of prostitution, pedophilia, propaganda, labyrinthine red tape, black market drug trading to pharmaceutical cocktails, genetically controlled seed propagation (while they use seed banks to withhold natural organisms from us), unpolluted water stored in privately owned aquifers and Nestle warehouses, wage slavery systems, rainforests laid bare as all wild life scatters to survive without a home........ they even synthesized the multiplicity of mirages we chase, like fame, like success, fantasies of safety or notions of normality.

We all have our chance to prove we're "good enough" to be noticed by the unseen overlords, drone bombed, starved or discarded. For they determine whether to sprinkle monetary opportunity down upon us. If we're good, trained little monkeys of their rules, we might be allowed to level-up. Otherwise we get the axe.... brainwash, indoctrinate, use up, exploit, and throw away: REPEAT.

That's the model these corporate mafia-esque, gang members, and murdering war mongers have manifested. They are the people we've allowed to dominate everything we know about the now globalist, monoculture paradigm we all must try to survive in as they radically spike up the heat. They hope to stay safely on top as we eat each other alive like trapped rats in a pre-meditated-medicated cage of our consciousness. A cage not unlike Plato's cave.

So what is the solution? It is my core belief that those of us who truly ingratiate ourselves into mother nature, utilizing all the skills gleaned from our trial and error evolution through history provides us, will become the builders of what will remain on our precious earth. Those of us who learn how to fall from great heights without breaking..... those of us who learn to cleverly and lovingly handle a mother nature who has had enough of our shit, and is lashing out at us after internalizing it for too long. We've been spoiled ingrates who took her for granted, felt entitled to her last drop of life. If we learn to love and appreciate her grandeur and depth before it's too late.... we might just come out the other side of this collapse. We are entering he metaphorical crucible. Only the wild purity will remain.

Humanity is unconsciously yearning to finally break free of an elite who confine us with their unrelenting belief that they deserve to be on top. To finally become our true selves.... our natural selves.... our original self..... which they cleverly, and subversively, inverted into "sin." The elite brainwashed us into believing that to be ourselves, to embrace our human nature, is the greatest sin that can be committed. The narcissists and self serving psychopaths convinced us that self discovery, self examination, self empowerment and self love was selfish... when in proper balance, only truly empowered people can help the world surrounding them. We cannot nourish others when we are starving. They even modified our food in order to profit off of our starvation.... laughing as we get more and more obese trying to nourish ourselves with empty calories and fat devoid of nutrients. Raking in our slave wages as we desperately buy their pharmaceuticals to satiate our super-sized famine of fake food.

By severing us from our mother from birth with their man-made formulas, they have successfully exorcised our native souls, and convinced us that nature was sin. The genocidal, corporate monopolies that hoard everything of value, and peddle austerity are poisoning us with a smile of understanding and friendship. They are economic terrorists behind well marketed masks of loving protectors and defenders of freedom. Posing as the disciples of our founding fathers, as they unleash solutions designed to coral us all into mental illness, denial, psychological fugue's, addiction, consumption and desperate prayer to a God that might save us. Scrambling, in quite desperation, to make sense of the lifelong rape they market at "business as usual" or "the way it's always been" or "reality."

The new humanity will trade inspiration as currency. Good ideas will guarantee your status in society. Creativity, human ingenuity, and nature itself are what cannot be replaced or mimicked by the psychopathic, robotic, holographic, nanotech, genetically modified, sterilized, monoculturized, institutionalized, monetized, plastic, polluted illusion of the omnipotent, great and powerful GOD HEAD they conned us with! If we can learn to free ourselves from their unseen control over our minds, we can then create a whole where they inserted a hole in which to fucks us, and keep us underneath their monolithic abuse.

Dive into the open arms of nature. Embrace that infinite spectrum only discovered via intimacy with our darkest sides without losing sight of our most brilliantly, blinding star power. Invert "me" to create we. By being individuals... expertly cut, shining facets.... we collectively become one whole diamond. One drop in a whole ocean. Face your deepest fears.... rip them open, and you can witness the birth of a dancing star.... a new life.... a new start... a new way. Change can come quickly if you accept the pain of having a lifetime of investment into your ego be self-immolated.

Rise from the ash. The scary truth is that humanity cannot compartmentalize, tame, and control nature without dire consequences. You do not own anything other than your choices. What doesn't bend breaks. What is bound becomes crippled.

Image by: James Alan Smith

Image by: James Alan Smith

I am: gender.

Can someone please tell me what it means to BE a MAN and what it means to BE a WOMAN? Why is it assumed that we are that different or in competition? Is it possible that we are all variations on the same theme, and because of very arbitrary and complex processes of hormones, pollutants even, and genetic determination we just have minor, yet profound enough functional and structural differences to merely pull off a organismic function allowing all things to continuously evolve on all levels of self?

We are in this together with a multiplicity of beautiful species of plant, animal and even microscopic organisms who are just as necessary for an evolutionary role as we are. The trees aren't in conflict with the shrubs, flowers, and network of species- the millions of trees and plants all communicate on a network of mycelium casting its interweb around the globe, perhaps even reaching out to coral... as they mitigate carbon, filter water/air/soil, and provide life giving infrastructure to all that lives.

We have come to dominate this specific realm, and therefore we have the common sense obligation to respect the greater systems around us by seeking to truly comprehend them through loving observation- as intimate as any other relationship that prospers. All systems of life prove themselves as clearly as we speak with words if we listen with meticulous, insightful, creative care. The demands of all things in existence evolve just like our needs evolve in order to assimilate and thrive within our surrounding circumstances.

Our planet, the galaxies and the microcosm infrastructures all the way down to amoeba and even beyond... have a consciousness of their own. Much like synapsis firing in our minds. We are not separate... even from the systems of our bodies that work in tandem to create one whole. We should not be permanently defined or pinpointed by conclusions derived from very different perimeters of days past. They should also not be forgotten, but built upon. We are here to measure, experiment and come to common sense outcomes in order to ascend like seedlings reach for the sun, and dung beetles track the stars. Though it is true that something always emerges from the wreckage. But why crash something as good as the Planet Earth and its splendor of diversity? --Airika Dollner

IMAGE SOURCE: http://thespiritscience.net/2015/09/23/how-to-balance-the-energy-of-your-soul-mate/

IMAGE SOURCE: http://thespiritscience.net/2015/09/23/how-to-balance-the-energy-of-your-soul-mate/

Resistence is NOT "futile." Resist the monoculture collective.

"Resistance fatigue" is the strategy being employed on all middle class and poor people.... and it's working perfectly. The real battle is getting people to realize that protesting a necrotizingly corrupt establishment, through all checks and balances we formerly had marginal faith in, across the western world, is an exercise in absolute futility. Time for a blow torch.... the disease is terminal, and the maggots/vultures are waiting to feast. This is the modern plague- don't delude yourself with notions that we're still stuck in the purgatory of "same old shit different day." We're staring into the abyss of true hell, and it's looking back at us.

People are very fearful of actually ever putting their lives and physical well being on the line......... with good reason........ so they hold onto believing "change comes slowly" or "peaceful protest works." After doing that for 20 years, and the only change is for the worse...... people burn out and fade away. How delightful for the resource hoarding, pedophile vampires!

We need to collectively awaken to the fact that there ARE culprits. They CAN be stopped with a clear understanding of the big picture.... organization and fearlessness. We cannot fall for the chaos they continue to create..... and we need to be willing to take extreme measures too.

All things to all people...

First written on December 15, 2012.
I will never be able to be all things to all people.... even if in my deepest heart, I may wish to be. I can only come close to being all things to me. Many will call me narcissistic for that view. Will they be able to convince me that label is true? I suppose that depends on their definition of the term, and, preferably to me, willingness to share it without infusing it with manipulative emotionality attached. Demonizing the self reflection of others, is a sign that you would benefit from some deep focus on your own innerscape. Bringing it to their attention, that they may be overdoing it, or that it triggers irritation in you, can be a loving mirror for both parties... and I encourage that! It's a chaotic and complex world, which we have no choice but to make our way through. This info-jungle is treacherous. We need each other, but not at the expense of ourselves. A fine balance. It is my path to attempt to lessen the conflict- not induce internal or external panic. I know that I do, regardless of my honest goal, in some cases. It's because I am at a different space with the information than you are. That doesn't have to be a problem. It doesn't have to make me a threat.

Artist unknown.

Artist unknown.