All things to all people...
First written on December 15, 2012.
I will never be able to be all things to all people.... even if in my deepest heart, I may wish to be. I can only come close to being all things to me. Many will call me narcissistic for that view. Will they be able to convince me that label is true? I suppose that depends on their definition of the term, and, preferably to me, willingness to share it without infusing it with manipulative emotionality attached. Demonizing the self reflection of others, is a sign that you would benefit from some deep focus on your own innerscape. Bringing it to their attention, that they may be overdoing it, or that it triggers irritation in you, can be a loving mirror for both parties... and I encourage that! It's a chaotic and complex world, which we have no choice but to make our way through. This info-jungle is treacherous. We need each other, but not at the expense of ourselves. A fine balance. It is my path to attempt to lessen the conflict- not induce internal or external panic. I know that I do, regardless of my honest goal, in some cases. It's because I am at a different space with the information than you are. That doesn't have to be a problem. It doesn't have to make me a threat.
Artist unknown.