Our ego: inadvertent life coach.
Setting your ego on fire is in direct conflict with the unspoken, yet blisteringly overt, training of western, monoculture, compartmentalized, quantified, stopwatch clicking society...... it's there to referee our trip through the profit labyrinth where we're nothing more than pacified cattle walking through their design for our lives. In this man-made world, we need our ego to keep us in line, and safe from harm when mama and papa are gone. We've accepted the 'choose your own adventure' paradigm, where the wealthy pre-select our seemingly endless (while completely controlled) information avalanche of "choices."
I've been staring into the abyss for quite some time, and it's been boring a hole through my whole like a black hole dancing with the sun. My anxiety is about completely letting go, because the world requires us to hold on to the needs of the ego in order to simply survive. Make money, stay young looking, stay healthy because you're fucked if you don't, stay hooked up and signed into the technology or you'll be left behind by this new economy...... keep paying your taxes, for a government who takes actions so grotesque around the world, that you want to smash something (namely specific faces in power)..... but jail, the iron fist, the big eye staring at you through your "smart" device instead of through your blinds....... ideas of normality... acceptance.... worth..... demand that our ego stay STRONG.
"We've got you surrounded! Come out with your hands up...... and do the daily grind, or else."
Or else..... or else a robot will gladly do it... a younger, better, smarter someone will do it for free.... or some 5 year old in Bangladesh bent over crippled in front of the loom sure will......
Trump is having a secret club meeting with Putin in the treehouse..... so everyone rise up! Red flags! Red Alert! Duck and cover! Red Scare! Code Red! We're in the red! Commies! We're tied up in RED TAPE! Red SKINS are blocking our nature raping drills! RED RUM! RED RAGE!
It's bigger than Trump's hair or his over-inflated, bloviating ego...... It's our collective ego begging us to let it go into the good night. The age of ego must fall. The age of the psychopath can only die when the meek get a spine. To everything (turn, turn, turn)... There is a season (turn, turn, turn)... And a time to every purpose, under heaven. There is a time for non-violence, and a time for demolition and terminating what must be terminated.
What we've allowed to become the way this world is the epitome of dysfunction. Global Warming is happening because Mother Earth has reached a fever pitch from our mindlessness and disrespect for her personal boundaries. She's had enough, and she's unleashing her fury. Only the strong (and strategic) will remain.
Rise. Let the flames rise until our egos burn off in the crucible like unwanted fat cells. Discipline, balance, naturalness, and acceptance.